Tan Sri Datuk Patinggi Haji Adenan Satem
In recent years, this “Sarawak for Sarawakians” (S4S) slogan has come to life in a people-backed movement but it is unique because it means different things to the different groups that have embraced it.
Some see it as an independence movement wanting to detach Sarawak from the federation of Malaysia. Others see it as Sarawakians screaming for a better deal and a reset to the tune of the Malaysia Agreement. But the voices of more autonomy and a better deal have got it. This happened when Adenan Satem said no to separation and yes to devolution of powers and securing Sarawak’s lost rights as per the Malaysia Agreement.
As the Sarawak state election looms, we see all the opposition parties such as DAP and PKR attaching themselves to any element linking to the S4S euphoria. They were obviously riding on the current issues that are hotly debated in west Malaysia and arguing that supporting Adenan is akin to supporting Najib. But as a matter of fact, these issues will not have significant impact on the Sarawak Election. 1MDB and RM 2.6 Billion donation have nothing to do with Sarawak.
We must understand that Adenan now is leading the Dayaks, Chinese, Malays, Indians and Serani, who call themselves Sarawakians. He wanted to be a chief minister for all Sarawakians irrespectively of race and religion and everyone must be treated equally and with respect. For example, The recognition of the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC), as well as increasing allocations for Chinese schools had made significant contribution towards the well being of the people in the state not for the Chinese but the Indigenous people as well.
He has insisted on standing by the state’s policy on adopting English as its second official language as well as the use of the Arabic word “Allah” with respect by non-Muslims when referring to their God although his decision followed by criticism from Malay leaders in peninsular Malaysia.
Just two years as Chief Minister, he non- stop captured the hearts of Sarawakians when he made popular decisions such as abolishing the toll collection of Tun Salahuddin Bridge, building the Pan Borneo Highway, crackdown illegal logging and sincerity in putting the RM4 billion Baram Dam project to a stop permanently.
While his decision banning some of the people from West Malaysia from entering Sarawak are people unfamiliar with the condition there. Even though it may seem like tough decision, he doesn’t want those from political parties, religious organization and NGOs to wreak havoc to the state. Anyone who is not a Sarawakian cannot claim to be the champion of the Sarawak cause.
IN AN UNEXPECTED move, Adenan Satem had met S4S group leader Peter John Jaban to discuss and hear their opinions in bringing about renewed focus on Sarawak’s autonomy and future of Sarawak.
And we can see, this is a good beginning for Adenan, a lot of progress, development and initiatives has been accomplished towards gaining more autonomy over Sarawak. At the first stage, Najib had agreed on the devolution of 13 administrative powers to the state government. The following are the agreements:
1) State Legal Officers are authorized by the Public Prosecutor under the Criminal Code to conduct prosecution for offences under state ordinances from the stage a person is charged in the lower court until the appeal stage.
2) There will be the delegation of power to state officers to represent the Public Service Commission and the Education Service Commission in the appointment of officers to the Federal civil service, including in teaching and medical services.
3) Post in the Immigration Department will be enhanced to improve enforcement functions in the state with an increase of 100 new post, with full deployment by the end February 2016..
4) The ratio of Sarawak born teachers serving in the state will be increase to 9- percent of the total number of teachers in Sarawak by 2018, and to ensure that this target achieved, temporary teachers from the open market will be considered from time to time and obtain their Diploma in Education whilst teaching.
5) Traffic warden powers for Sarawak Local Authorities will be given to the Miri City Council, apart from the Kuching North City Hall and Kuching South City Council.
6) The state government will be consulted before an application for a deep sea fishing permit is forwarded to the Deep Sea Permit Evaluation Committee for consideration.
7) The State government will be consulted in the drafting of Federal legislation that has a bearing or impact on the Sarawak state government, where provided by law.
8) The planning of Federal projects in Sarawak will give priority to the five-year Sarawak State Development Plan based on the approval budget. Implementation of the projects should be referred/negotiated between the ministry and the state government, such as determining the location of schools, hospitals, and the implementation of other development projects.
9) The ministry will take the necessary measures to increase the number of student enrolments from among Sarawakians into medical degree programmes in public universities. Sarawakians would be given greater opportunity to enter foundation studies programmes in UNIMAS.
10) Relevant areas that can be delegated will be identified for delegating the power of the Director – General under Section 49 of the Environmental Quality Act 1947 to the state officers / department.
11) The development of housing projects in Sarawak will be re-implementation through a Joint Committee Meeting to ensure that the state agencies were fully involve in the planning, implementation and monitoring aspects of these projects in Sarawak.
12) The development of sports in Sarawak will be jointly manage with the state government. The Ministry of Youth and Sport is also in the process of enhancing the Sport Development Act 1997, which is expected to be completed by the end 2016.
13) The state government will carry out all functions under the Department of Social Welfare. All posts will be transferred to the State Civil Service. The Federal Government will contribute 50 percent of the cost incurred as decided by the National Finance Council.
Meanwhile, the second stage would touch on constitution matters and the third stage would be on oil royalty and territory. But Sarawak will always stay in Malaysia, taking the state out of Malaysia will never be the best option.
With such good track record for a Chief Minister for two years and good relationship with Federal government, we should support his effort fighting for a better and brighter Sarawak.
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