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Friday, 8 April 2016

S4S Can Defend Their History And Autonomy But Don’t Go Overboard

Sarawak For Sarawakians (S4S) was the battle cry originally used by the pro-Independence movement led by Peter John Jaban wanting full independence for Sarawak.

Their frustration and disappointment stems from year of unfair government policies and the obvious different of development and wealth enjoyed by ‘Orang Malaya’ compared to Sarawakians. 

Instead of being treated as equal partners and autonomous entity in the federation of Malaysia, certain individuals in the S4S group had issued numerous statements and call for secession Sarawak from Malaysia.

Is secession the best solution? Before we go any further, are we able and capable to govern, manage and successfully sustain the development of the new Sarawak Nation? Do we have all the necessary machinery and policies to become a nation?

Are we able to thwart the growing threats and claims from our foreign neighbors? Like China, the Philippines and maybe even by the Indonesia? Do we have enough military and security assets to ensure the safety of the people?

How about the cost? We need to spend billions to procure our own military assets, billions on setting up and empowering the needed government outfit and agencies, we need to recruit the thousand of human capital in such a short amount of time to manage, operate and maintain the new government.

We need to find hundred of multinational company and global business partners to invest in order to sustain our own economy. We would probably have to lease more lands for mining and timber concessions and build more dams to support the increasing every demands. How about social-economic, welfare and education issues that needs attention? 

We definitely have to start from zero if we exit from Malaysia. Are you ready for this?

By all means S4S must defend their history, rights as equal partners in Malaysia and their welfare but do not go overboard.

As we can see Adenan Satem is changing the game for Sarawak. After decade of rule under Taib Mahmud. He has clamped down on illegal logging, reduces electricity tariffs, begun abolishing tolls, and has been consistent in pressuring the Federal Government for higher oil royalties.

Instead of secession Sarawak from Malaysia, S4S should give their full support to Team Adenan. ‘One person alone cannot do anything, he must have a team’. Therefore Adenan needs a big support from Sarawakians so that he can have more power to negotiate with Putrajaya and deliver more what Sarawakians want in term of autonomy and welfare.

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