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Sunday, 10 July 2016

The Dust yet to settle for Sarawak Report!

By David Callahan

Sarawak Report’s (SR) latest revelation on AG’s executive summary about 1MDB’s mismanagement shows its failure to recognize PAC’s final report on 1MDB’s probe. The vindictive news portal spearheaded by its editor in chief Clare Rewcastle-Brown, failed to learn its lesson even after BN’s land-slide victory in the Sarawak’s State Poll and the twin by-elections in Selangor thereafter. 

As a professional news portal, SR should have published its fair opinion based on the more reliable PAC report, which was made available for the public after a careful study being done by each member of PAC – comprised of members of both political divide. Said that, it is totally unethical for the news portal to simply write its opinion from the Auditor General’s report, which is a classified document meant for assisting PAC’s probe on 1MDB.

Sarawak’s unethical report is not new in the social media. Previously the UK-based online news portal’s target was Sarawak’s former Chief Minister, Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud. However the news portal failed to bring down the seasoned politician. Despite heavily smeared by SR, the then CM stepped down on his own will.

After the miserable failure, Rewcastle decided to join the Anti- Najib Campaign. Ever since, RS started to write false reports against the PM- hoping to oust him and eventually topple the BN lead- government. This is also regarded as SR’s desperate strategy since she failed to find any serious flaws in the newly minted Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Adenan Satem’s administration. So, her only way to change the Sarawak’s state government is by toppling the federal government.

As the Malaysians well aware, previously, beside heavily sponsored by various of organizations in UK, she also offered her service to Anwar Ibrahim to write against the then CM of Sarawak for money. And now she is doing the same by joining the Anti Najib Camp lead by Tun Mahathir, the former Prime Minister turned rouge. 

If you all aware, in January 2016, SR had published a flawed report against Najib: “Najib Negotiates His Exit But He Wants Safe Passage And All the Money! Exclusive Disclosure!”- which failed to see Najib being toppled. Adding to this, the RS also found deliberately misreported the donation amount by the Saudi Royals to Najib. But the mismatch between the donation amount reported by RS and the alleged donation simply proved that the RM2.6 billion allegation against Najib is a lie. 

So, it can be concluded that Rewcastle’s fresh effort to bring down the BN-lead federal government via its latest so- called revelation of the Auditor General’s Report on 1MDB will again turn flat sooner or later. Probably this news will caught the attention of few but won’t last for even a week. Therefore, the members of public warned to not to easily hoodwinked by unreliable reports by a few online news portals who want to earn millions at the expense of emerging nations.

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